Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Shaping Up

Well last night I finally did it. I went to FitClub and while there I finally lifted weights. I mainly focused on my arms and chest muscles. I am feeling it today. I cannot even recall the last time I lifted. Could be something like 6 months and I hadn't kept up with it for a long period of time. I do know this, by the time summer rolls around I plan on being buff as hell. Well, you're right, I will be MORE buff as hell. I also did 30 minutes on the tredmill at a 9 incline and 3mph the entire time.

I went down to the bar after working out last night. As I did the night before. I haven't been going there to drink alcohol though I've been going to be social and get hydrated. There is something about hanging out with a pint of water in my hands that it goes down so much smoother than if I was sitting at home trying to drink as much. I have been known to put away about 5 to 8 pints of water depending on how incredibly dehydrated I am. Amanda and Ed made an appearance to play some pinball and some 11-ball. I'm upset, the megatouch guy apparently decided to erase the scores. All my glory is gone. Boohoohoo.


At Wednesday, March 08, 2006 12:39:00 PM , Blogger Amanda said...

You rock Kyle. I want it to be warm so we can walk in the park.

At Wednesday, March 08, 2006 12:41:00 PM , Blogger K- said...

Me too. I love walking in the park. Especially in summer. Hot scantilly clad girls jogging. Mmmmm.


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