Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I walk a lonely road; The only one I that have ever known

I got to see Mr. and Mrs. Monchichi last night. Wonderful to see both of them as I haven't seen either of them since Thanksgiving. My oh my how time has flown. We hung out for a few hours and shot the breeze. It's weird though because there is so much that goes on in our lives daily but when you try to put it into 2 hours of catching up I don't know where to start. Be that as it may, I love seeing them both whenever I can get the chance.

One brother to another, I get to see the bird this coming weekend. I'm so excited. I just wish that it was all 4 of us together at the same time. I'll take what I can get though.

Goodluck to the ogre lover in Toledo, OH.

For your viewing pleasure. Pictures!


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