Monday, June 05, 2006

I look like a monkey, and I smell like one too

I got a voicemail from Mels. She sang me the monkey version of Happy Birthday. Thanks Mels!

If you haven't heard. Today is my 25th Birthday! Huzzah!

I went out last night with RD and others. Drank waaaaaaay too much but had a wonderful time. Thanks RD.

Yesterday also I went to the Cubs Cards game and saw the Cubs lose, they weren't supposed to do that since it was for my birthday and all. Thanks Ed.

Thank you everyone else too. This year so far is much much better than last year. It makes me very happy to know that I have such great friends.

Doing dinner with the parents this evening then probably head to the bar. I'll try to let people know what is going on. It won't be a late night since I had one last night and also I have my summer class starting tomorrow!


At Monday, June 05, 2006 2:56:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Kyle! I'm working tonight and will be happy to serve you your birthday drink if you come in! Hope you are having a good one. And by the way, read your post a couple days ago about how you hoped this birthday is better than last....if I remember correctly, your birthday last year was a good time...cookout at Farah's and then closing down Mojo's with about 20 of your closest friends...a few people may have forgotten what the day was but be happy that you had a day full of fun, food and friends! A lot of people in this world can't say they have that.


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