Sunday, July 30, 2006

Come on in and warm up a little

It's a little warm outside. It isn't unbearable though, well, for short periods of time. It is about 96 degrees here and heat index is about 102.

The Chicago Cubs just swept the Saint Louis Cardinals at Wrigley Field again. It was just a 4 game series this time around though. No big deal, right? I wish we played like that all year long. Alas, we haven't.

I slept until 1:30 again today, just like yesterday. Pretty much wasting my day but I didn't have anything to do really. I do work later so I guess I should be well rested to handle being on my feet for 6 hours.

I found $21.50 total on Friday night, so along with my pay, I made $61.50. That is going right into the bank. Well, I did spend that 50 cents on the megatouch, I felt that was allowable.

I am actually owed 4 bucks from a coworker from my summer job. I was supposed to go get it on Friday but I plum forgot. Hopefully if I swing by tomorrow she will have it.

I only ended up watching 1 of the 3 movies I rented. I think that I may rerent the other 2 and try to get a new 3rd. Last week I was focusing alot on class and such. I didn't find much time to fit a movie in and I prefer to watch movies at night.

I do enjoy the hot days that we are having but not in regards to my day job. I really enjoy being able to get the kids outside to play but when it is hotter than 92 degrees I think that we are not supposed to take the kids outside. Too risky because they don't know when to take a break and cool off.


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