Friday, July 28, 2006

Oiy! Maria!

I finally got a credit card. It is pretty sweet too. 0% fixed until Nov 07, then after that it is 8.99% fixed. Probably the best one that I've seen come my way, I jumped on it. Need to build that credit up. Now... what to buy?

I'm thinking about just buying something under 40 bucks each month, then pay it off right away. That is until I can afford a bigger purchase.

Friday is half over and then it is the weekend. Yay!

I went to bed last night and it happened... I couldn't fall asleep. Talk about ticking me off, geeez. I probably didn't fall asleep until about midnight. I was looking forward to catching up on sleep but nooooooooo.


At Friday, July 28, 2006 2:40:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

K, do not, I repeat, do not pay your credit card off in full every time. My credit specialist at my credit union told me not to do that, especially since I only have 2 cards. If you've got 10 different cards, then it's OK to do that on a couple of them. Trust me. Been through lots of life lessons with my advisors recently.....


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