Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Matador

Well, I just watched The Matador. It was one of those dark comedies that I would describe as quirky funny. I wasn't really laughing outloud but some was situational type funny. If you were already interested in seeing it, go ahead and rent it. I'm personally not going to buy it down the road. It is a 1 time watcher for me.

Aside from the movie.

I am tired as all get out. I'm about to hit the hay, I guess, weird to say this since the past two nights I've been up until about 3am. I just can't seem to keep my eyes open for long. Which I guess is a good thing, my body is reacting properly to the lack of sleep and doing it early enough in the evening so that I can catch up with a full night of sleep.

I am working the day job tomorrow and then working the door at Brown's on Friday night.


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