Tuesday, March 30, 2004


Well today first thing I get up and it is like 1:30 in the afternoon. My dad decides it has been a little while since his last one so he gives me a speech. He informs me that maybe I shouldn't have passed up an opportunity to become a slave in the real world that could happen for me right now. Why wait til August to become a bitch for a company when you can do it today is what I got out of it. I know he is just being straight forward and realistic about my life. He says he is just trying to make me realize that I am going to have a ton of expenses that I will have to start paying on right away. From what I can estimate I will have rent, car insurance, health insurance, car expenses like gas and maintenance, student loan repayment. I think he is getting worried that I am not getting worried. He questioned me as to why I am holding out to go back to my job up at ISU for just a month. I reply because it is my job, a job that I already have, and I like it. He apparently isn't getting it. Although I don't forget he has loads of life experience. I'm not stupid. I just don't think he feels me. I don't want to settle down. I have youth on my side. Before I know it I am going to be a decrepit old man who has grandchildren running around my feet begging for me to take them to McDonalds. I am in no rush for that. Although I do love kids. It is not for me right now, I can recognize that. So, now dad has me thinking... crap I am going to be in a world of hurt if I spend one cent besides bills. I DON'T WANT MY LIFE TO BE JUST BILLS! I feel like I have to pay everyone just to be alive. What kind of crap is that. I am done now. Later!


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