Tuesday, May 18, 2004


I would like to take this moment to say something. We all lead busy lives. Life although you may not claim it to, centers around yourself. I'm not saying that everyone is on an ego trip and is like mememe. I mean that people live life for themselve first usually. You cannot forget your support system though. For most people this is family but I know not everyone is the same and this support system can include friends and aquaintences too. As you read this you might think, ok what are you getting at. Well, family is very important and you shouldn't take it for granted. Acts of God happen all the time and something could happen and it would all be over, for someone you know or even for yourself. Let the people that you care about know how much you love them. Tell them how much you appreciate all that they do for you and what they mean to you. That person could be gone tomorrow for forever and then what, a reminder to these special people every so often means a great deal. It could be the closure that you would need if anything should ever happen. If it is tough to say then write it down. Just express yourself.

Peace, Love, and Laughter - K


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