Monday, November 29, 2004

Savings gone

Damn I hate bills. Bills suck my balls and not in that kinky erotic way but in a damnit you're pissing me off so stop way. I had a decent amount of money saved. Then I go to the dentist today. Pay that. My tuition for my spring class is due this coming wednesday so I decided to pay that. I have a cell phone bill coming due so I paid that. Then I was like well let me pay my next loan payment a little early while I'm at it.... NO! There isn't enough freaking money left! Bastards. So now I have to wait to get paid for that one. Yeah, that is only 3 days away now but still. I figured I would get all of it out of the way. For some reason I thought that I would have money left over still and would be well off but no. I'm not bouncing any more checks though. I am keeping a close eye on balancing my check book. Everything is working out so far so I know how much I am actually spending.


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