Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Wishing your life away

I made the comment to my mother the other day that I wish that the first part of the week would go by fast because I can't wait for the Thanksgiving holiday to begin. She says that her mother used to say that you were wishing your life away when you say that. I thought about it and she was right. What kind of life would you be living if you only lived for certain days of the year? If those select days were the only ones that mattered then your life would be a big waste. Every day should be the ones that matter because you only have so many days on this earth. If you think that the day is going to be boring and you just want to get it over with stop and think. What could be so bad that you wish for a day of your life to be gone? Making it a day that you will never remember. Wouldn't you want to make everyday a special day that you will remember each one forever? Don't waste the days that you have. Life is uncertain. You don't know what is destined for yourself but you have a choice over your own actions and those actions help play a big part in your destiny. Freewill makes everyone special. Use it wisely. Make things happen and Live life , don't sit around waiting for life to happen to you.


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