Thursday, January 13, 2005

I didn't win

Yeah, yet again I did not win the lottery the past 2 days. When will my cash cow arrive. I'm waiting. Hello? Yeah, I don't think it is going to happen but I will keep trying. Life will be so much easier when I win. Yeah yeah, I know people say that money doesn't make you happier but I'm sure that it would be a lot easier in life. Not worrying about bills or having to stay home because you barely have any gasoline in your car and you cannot afford to do what everyone else is doing. Just being able to do things with ease would be my favorite part of the money. Being able to treat my friends and family more.

Well, I didn't get any sleep yesterday and I didn't get to sleep until 1:30am last night so I am going in to take my nap now. I have class tonight. YAY! I'm going to nip that Composition class in the bud and get my Associates in the Arts certificate finally. Then on to getting a BA


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