Thursday, October 06, 2005

Back to the Grrrrrind

I went back to work this morning. It was okay except for the fact that it was Thursday morning and that meant that I had to get all this paperwork filled out and turned in because it was office/bank day. UGH! That is done now.

My eyes spazzed on me again this morning on my commute between work locations. That is NOT cool. I can barely see because I cannot keep my eyes open. UGH! I made it, I am alive, but dangit that is scarey. Overall though I can tell that my eyes are getting better, I just wish that it would hurry up.

Not many people posting on Mr. Shoo's or my own blog recently? Did all of you fall into a hole or something? Need a ladder to get out?

Well, it is almost the weekend. Everyone should be happy about that. 3 day weekend for me! AND! My parents are going out of town. I think that maybe a movie night is in order for the few, the proud, the "regulars" and people who are super totally awesome. This could piss people off but OH WELL, I cannot have a huge group over here cause I've got the old folks homes next door that are like night watchmen and monitor any goings on in this general direction.


At Friday, October 07, 2005 11:11:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am telling on you...
ss :)

At Friday, October 07, 2005 1:27:00 PM , Blogger K- said...

I prefer not to use profanities on here. I feel it is unnecessary.


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