Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Money issues

I cannot keep money in my checking account. I swear. I got paid on Thursday. I paid 190 dollars in bills on Friday. Then I spent cash that I already had on me throughout the weekend. I did holiday shopping on Sunday night and spent about 60 dollars. Then I spent 160 bucks on the dentist. That totals up to about 410 dollars. The paycheck that had just went in was barely over 500 so with the negative balance already in the checking account, yeah, that puts me at negative already again. Less than a week. Oh yeah, I just remembered I have a tank of gas on the checking also which is hefty. It was about 35 bucks or so.

I have been thinking about getting a loan just to keep me in the positive because I'm sure that interest on a loan would be a lot better on me in the long run than getting about 75 dollars in fees (or more)every 2 weeks(paycheck cycle).

What do you think? Cause I'm really hurting, I cannot stay afloat and I have cut back.


At Thursday, December 08, 2005 1:40:00 PM , Blogger Amanda said...

Where do you bank? Can you get overdraft protection so that at the very least you don't have to pay all the fees?

At Thursday, December 08, 2005 1:44:00 PM , Blogger K- said...

That is the protection. Instead of it bouncing with the place I'm writing the check to, my bank covers it for a fee of 25 bucks per item overwithdrawn after and including the initial overdraw. Marine Bank

At Thursday, December 08, 2005 1:55:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe if you are having trouble making ends meet you should consider looking for a different job that pays more or a second job that pays more... its tough out there in the "real world".

At Thursday, December 08, 2005 3:52:00 PM , Blogger Amanda said...

At National City, and USBank, and probably a lot of other places I imagine, you can get what is basically a line of credit attached to your bank account so that if you overdraw your account it comes out of that, and you pay a pretty low interest rate on that, with no fee. Like if I were to overdraw my account I'd pay like $3 or something as long as it got covered fairly quickly.

At Thursday, December 08, 2005 6:16:00 PM , Blogger the good time girl said...

woah...hey, brutal anonymous comment, how's it going?
sometimes it's difficult balancing a fulltime job, school and another parttime job...kyle, i feel your pain. and nasty people should go be nasty somewhere else!!

At Thursday, December 08, 2005 10:26:00 PM , Blogger TTJ said...

I'm with GTG! We've got your back out here in blogworld, Kyle!!!


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