Sunday, October 01, 2006


The Chief and I. We've been watching the door together since May 2004.

Well, I was just shown an article in the newspaper today that told me I might be losing my doorman job at DH Browns because the smoking ban is hurting business that much.

This is quoting the article

"The Reality... the recent smoking ban has made a dramatic impact on bars and bowling centers in Springfield and Unincorporated Sangamon County!"

"D.H. Brown's... business is down more than 40%... The last time Brown's had a Monday as low as the first Monday of the ban was eight (8) years ago during a snowstorm. Brown's will likely have to lay off their doormen - on top of the lost employment, this will increase the chances of underage drinkers violating the law. Two (2) waitresses informed management that they will have to give their notice and try to get a job in one of the neighboring communities that permit smoking because they are no longer making any money."

It goes on to talk about other Bars and Bowling centers. This is on Page 22 of Sunday's State Journal Register.

Great.... JUST GREAT.

So now people can go to the bars they love and not get smokey... but NOW those bars will be dead or closing because no one comes. COME ON NON-SMOKERS! Show bar owners that the ban means alot to you by actually going out and drinking and NOT getting smokey. GAH!


Edit the ban to help the non-food serving bars.


At Monday, October 02, 2006 9:52:00 AM , Blogger said...

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At Monday, October 02, 2006 9:53:00 AM , Blogger said...

I questioned who was the source of this article before reading the sj-r today. I've worked a night or two where the turn-up has been just as bad.

The bar would have mentioned something to you (I believe) before announcing that it was going to 'lay off' the doorman.

I wasn't in the bar last weekend, did any of the waitresses really say they were leaving for a bar outside of the ban, or were they just leaving?

Here's an article questioning the results of the survey.

At Monday, October 02, 2006 10:15:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked at the bar three days last week and I didn't hear anything about waitresses leaving because of the lack of business, or otherwise.

I think Shoo is right, the bar wouldn't tell the SJ-R that their doormen were getting laid-off before they actually told you. I just wouldn't worry about it too much.

I definately think business is going to be slow for a while (obviously), but once people get used to the ban, and with the holidays just around the corner, we will bounce back in no time.

At Monday, October 02, 2006 3:48:00 PM , Blogger Amanda said...

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At Monday, October 02, 2006 4:36:00 PM , Blogger K- said...

Oh, I know I'm not really laid off. I was just taken aback when I saw it. Gotta love politics and slander and propaganda.


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