Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Still Miss Her...

So it has been a little over 3 months since our family dog B.J. has passed away. She was over 11 years old so that is about half of my life to date. I sometimes think she is around and just hanging out in a different room but I of course realize that she is not. I wish we could get another dog but it isn't in the cards right now. My sisters all live out of town and my parents don't want to have another pet because as they are getting older they feel they may travel more and don't want to deal with taking a pet nor boarding a pet while gone. I am living with the parents right now so this doesn't work out for me. In order to get my own dog I would have to have my own place or live in an apartment that allows pets. That isn't happening right now because I cannot afford it. So I will just have to look at other happy dog owners and wish that is me.

So tonight I hit the job market decently hard for myself. First time really doing this so I felt I did a decent job. I submitted my resume to many corporations via their websites. One that I think would be good is store manager for a Springfield Blockbuster Video. I hope that pans out. I'm still waiting to hear back from my reapplication to Blue Cross. Last time it took 3 business days to get my stock rejection letter. Tomorrow will be the 3rd business day for this interview. I hope it goes better. I Hope I Hope I Hope. I wish I could download information into my mind like in the matrix. Learn a whole occupation in just about a minute and be the best ever at it. That would be nice.... wouldn't it?


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