Monday, September 20, 2004

Don't you like me?

So, here it is... No one likes to comment on what I say but everyone loves to read it. I see Shoofly's site. It makes me jealous. People comment on his short quips and small stories. I write and write and apparently nothing is worthy of a comment. I do get the occassional comment from Melissa or Shoo. They are kind and loyal but I know more of you read this blog that I share my life in. If you want to just keep being a "silent partner" so be it. But I see what goes on behind closed doors. Well, not really. If I did then this blog might be more interesting.

So I haven't posted in 2 days and for Melissa she feels like that is forever. I appologize. I just figured that writing about how I just sat around all day on Sunday and never left the house and never amounted to anything would be boring for both you and myself. Because it was. I am not proud that I did jack crap on my Sunday. The second day of a whole weekend off. I assumed that I could take a day off from writing in here but that isn't the case.

So this will be of news to Shoofly. My dad and I had a mini tiff this evening. I know that Shoo loves to hear about my squables with my dad because that is one way that we relate so well. So I'm talking at the dinner table about how the Governor, Mr. Blowjobovich, is supposed to be on his way down to Springfield to hold a press conference about the State Capitol security guard that was shot and killed today by some lunatic. Says that that wasn't why he was coming, I'm like no, I heard on the news radio that it is the reason. Then he makes the statement that the Governor doesn't care about that. I'm like WHAT? How can you say that. You are saying that the Gov. does not care about a guard at his state capitol who was murdered while on the job in the actual state capitol. He is like I didn't say that. So then I repeat exactly what he said, and he was like, no I didn't say that, I'm like HOW can you say that. And we go back and forth. I say then explain what you meant by what you said. He wouldn't back up what he said because in my mind he knows that he is wrong. Finally he says He did say that but he isn't going to discuss it any further because he can see that an arguement is about to start. In my mind he already started an arguement by claiming that a man getting murdered doesn't matter to the governor. I was fuming. So I dropped it but I was PISSED. We haven't spoken the rest of the night. That is usually how that goes. Tomorrow we will talk as if nothing has happened and life goes on. Not worth it to stay bitter. Glad my dad isn't a politician, he would be like, who died? oh ok, so what's for dinner.

DAMNIT. I JUST WROTE A WHOLE STORY ABOUT MY AFTERNOON AND I ACCIDENTALLY ERASED IT. AHHHHH. That was a lot of writing too. I might post that later but I am pooped. This is all you get for now...


At Monday, September 20, 2004 11:31:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weekends are for resting, espeically for busy working men. No need to feel like a loaf. You earned it!

xo Melissa Marie

At Monday, September 20, 2004 11:31:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weekends are for resting, espeically for busy working men. No need to feel like a loaf. You earned it!

xo Melissa Marie


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