Saturday, September 18, 2004

A horse with no name

So today is laundry day for me. I have nothing to do today. I am in dire need of whites. Been having to wear sandals because of the lack clean socks. Which actually I prefer to wear sandals and flip flops as opposed to sneakers and socks. My feet like to be able to breathe, they told me so. So, I'm just lounging around the house, watching movies, playing online poker, eating, chatting with the parents. I think I might wash my car in a little bit if I afford myself enough time. It needs a good hand washing. I haven't done that for it yet since I got it in December.

I like how people refer to events that don't even concern them drama. Like "Oh, I hear I missed the drama last night" For one, I feel that drama isn't that big of a deal in the scheme of life. If it actually affects you personally then ok. But if it is someone else's drama then let it be. It isn't a big deal. Don't get involved if it isn't a direct concern. It is interesting to watch sometimes but just to watch. Too many emotions flowing in drama for me. I like to keep my drama to myself. That is why people don't think I have much drama. Or maybe you do think I have drama and you keep it to yourself? It's whatever.

1 week until my old coworkers' wedding up in Bloomington. I'm excited. It should be a good time and I love weddings too. I haven't been to one in over a year. Since my sister's wedding to be exact. Which was a kick ass time. I don't expect to have that good of a time but I know it should be fun.

Well, off to put in another load....


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