Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Hump hump hump

Yes, It was hump day today. I was so happy when hump day finally passed. It is practically the weekend now. Tomorrow night I am going out. I work the door Friday night. The next 2 days should go by pretty quickly. Work was a light day today. They wore me out still but they didn't bicker like thay have been. I got about an hour of Butt Soccer in before everyone decided that they did not want to play anymore. I shot some hoops with the new kid. He kicked my behind. Not literally. One girl was throwing up towards then end of the day and had to go home before real school was over. Oh boy am I glad that happened before she got to me. I didn't feel like dealing with another vomit kid.

I did another good deed today. I did the grocery shopping for my mom. She's been tired lately and when needed I step up to the plate humbly. I also went on a prescription drug run yesterday for my great uncle who just got out of the hospital and my mom. My parents bedroom is almost finished. Yay. I might be able to talk my dad into getting Microsoft Office 2003 which I see is newer than Office XP. If he can find our Office 2000 box then we may be able to get the upgrade price instead of purchasing it new price. Grrr. I'm still up. I really need to go to bed. But I'm so not tired. I've drugged myself already and this is pissing me off. I'm going now, bye


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