Friday, September 03, 2004


YAY! I can say TGIF! And I am too. I know I know. I have only been working 3 days but woo this has been an exhausting change for me. The place where we hold Scope at Enos is in the Gym on the Stage. This is an old school. I'm guestimating that only 2 to 3 rooms in the entire school building have air conditioning. The air flow is horrible too. It is stuffy and hot even in the early morning at 7am when it is really cool outside. So we sit on this hot stage for most of the time besides when we are outside watching the kids play. The heat zaps all of my energy. I have been getting decent nights of sleep in and I am still really tired at other times. Today I had to crash and sleep at 11:30am and I slept until 1:45pm and then I got up and went back to work. I allowed myself to sleep because I knew that I would be up late working the door at the bar this evening. Those kids are exhausting too. We have about 15 to 20 of them, the number varies. It takes alot to keep an eye on them. Always complaining, always fidgeting, always being annoying and picking on other kids, tattling on other kids. I don't remember other kids being like that when I was little. But of course this is Scope. This isn't a normal classroom persay. I do like the mornings a whole lot better than the afternoons. The kids are still waking up so they are quiet. It is only and hour and a half and breakfast time is included in that also and then I can go home and do whatever I want until I go back at 2:30. I'm ready to sit down and have a few cold drinks this evening. sigh


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