Tuesday, April 05, 2005

mmm lunch

SO guess what. I went to vote today. I specifically went to vote on the proposition of merging the city and county health departments. Well, guess what slipped my mind. I don't live in the city. I live in Woods ide Tow nship. Granted I have a Spfld address but not in the city limits. So yeah, I got to vote on a fire department expansion thingy or something. And a whole lot of people, that were uncontested. I'm like, Ha, I should just not punch their hole, that'll show them. But I punched the holes anyway. It would be more intersting if they had some competition, I'm sure.

So after I took my mom to vote with me, I kidnapped her and took her out to lunch. It was my treat for her birthday which is tomorrow. We are all going out for dinner as a family tomorrow night so I figured she didn't need to be eating out 2 times in 1 day, she isn't a big eater. But I took her to O'Charleys for lunch and it was mmm mmm good. We both got salads. Fried chicken salad for me and pecan encrusted chicken salad for her. Both were very good.

I've still got an hour and a half to kill before I go back to work... what to do... what to do?


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