Friday, October 07, 2005

Big Week

I hope that this proves to be a big week starting yesterday. Next Thursday I go back to the dietitian, I have my hypnotist appointment, and it is also school pictures at the school that I am at. I am still nearly at my half way point. Not quite there because I have struggled this past week. As of today I have lost 72 pounds and I just need 3 more to hit and pass my elucid 75 pound mark. So this is the plan, I am working out cardivascular only everyday through next Thursday. I hope to see some good results because I haven't been working out like I should the past 2 weeks but I have been battling ear infections, pink eyes, and pink eye times two. So, I hope to lose at least the 3 pounds that I want to have gone by Thursday if not more. I know that I can get r done because I'm still eating the way a healthy person eats. I'm not starving myself or anything along those lines. I eat for nutrition and for my livelyhood not for the sake of eating. I've come so far and there is no way that I will throw it down the garbage disposal now.

I want the dietitian to freak out again by how much I have lost. Last time when I visited her I have "only" lost 42 pounds and was pretty close to getting under 300 pounsd. Now it hopefully will be another 33+ pounds since then.

Also my blood pressure has been great. When I was at Prompt Care on Tuesday it was clocked at 118/72. Which I say is pretty good. MUCH BETTER than 145/95 which it was right at the begining of being healthy.

The hypnotist, I just felt bad because this was the first week that I went in and said, I haven't gained nor lost weight, since I started going there. All of it being my fault obviously. When I was home sick I was weakened by boredom eating. All healthy mind you but even healthy food can be over indulgence.

The school pictures, I am really looking forward to because I was looking at last year's photo and OH MY GOODNESS! HUGE difference. So all of you that have a photo of Big Old Loveable Kyle from last year, get ready for a replacement of Hot Quickly Becoming More Studly Kyle.

That is all. I work the bar tonight. I have no plans for the rest of the weekend. Get in contact with me. We'll talk. Bye for now.


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