2 Nights In
I have now stayed 2 nights at my new place. I still have a few smaller things to get moved but for the most part I am moved in... well, I need to get to unpacking all the boxes now. I won't have my own computer set up at my new place for a while. I'm sure that G will occassionally let me hop on hers to check my email and check the blogs. I'm getting the drift from my parents, mainly my dad that he is ready for me to be completely out. As soon as I get everything out of here I'll probably only be stopping by for mail. That is until I get everything switched over.
I had an eventful day yesterday of accidentally letting G's dog out of the house. Not on a leash but more along the lines of he got by me and bolted about 3 blocks. That dog is FAST. That was during my hour break between both jobs. Not how I was planning on spending that time.
I have today off from the Day Job. Good Friday. I slept in and it was wonderful. I went and bought a new belt since I broke mine yesterday morning. Now I am at my parents' place and today is my mom's birthday.
Also, sorry to those who cannot post comments without being a member of blogger/blogspot/google. But I don't want annoymous posts on here anymore. I feel that if someone has something to say then they should be man or woman enough to have their name attached to the comment. As a few of you have done you can email me comments. Or if we are friends on myspace you can leave me messages there. Or just chat with me in person!!! I am working the door tonight at Brown's from 9-1am as usual.
Have a great weeekend!
We'd love to chat with you at the door, but it's kind of a haul. ;)
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