Thursday, April 01, 2004

Almost back to reality...

Well, I got an email today from work. It is getting close folks. They are wanting to know when I can come back so they can put me back on the schedule. Scary. I've been off of work since the middle of January and I have been enjoying my time off. Well, besides having major surgery and all the not lifting more than 10 pounds crud. I am ready to go back and not ready at the same time. I assume most people know what I mean. It actually is good to have a mix of responsibility and fun at the same time. Too much responsibility sucks and too much fun can wear someone down to the point that it sucks. I have found this out. I won't be able to head back to work until April 12th and today is April 1st so I've got 11 days left until I have to get back to reality. Eek!

Not much planned today. I am going to see another cheap movie for the heck of it which is Win a Date with Tad Hamilton. Looks like a cheesy feel good movie with a few dumb laughs here and there. I am easily entertained though so it will be worth a dollar I am sure. Nick W. may be going with me. I just found out he is home for a little bit while he scours the job market. It isn't his type of movie but I may have persuaded him to go with me. Time will tell when it comes down to the wire.

Other than the movie. Ed is working the bar tonight so I plan on going down and hanging out with him while he works. Maybe play some freaking WORDSTER! Yeah! I'm still sore about that. I will have a pocket fullll of quarters ready for that game. Granted this is a different machine but I have that score to beat branded in my mind. So it will be a personal victory when I beat that score. Stupid score, I hate you!

I actually woke up at 11:30am today! Before noon, I know. Isn't it great! Especially considering I didn't fall asleep until at least 6am. So I may be able to get a decent night's sleep later on this evening. Wahoo!


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