Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Job Hunt...

So yeah, I am heading to see a career counselor today. This should be fun. It is one provided by the state of Illinois. I hope it works. I think I found the website of the place I am going and I may have filled in something they would have me do there. So that might save me some time. Filled out my job history and skills and such. I REALLY NEED A JOB! Or at least get one lined up for like in a month. That would be such a load off of my back if I could score a job. I don't have to start right away or I can start tomorrow. It is all good either way as long as I have the job.

I will probably be going to the Drive In tonight. The last night to see The Day After Tomorrow and Van Helsing. That should be fun. Yay for the drive in, I hope it doesn't rain.

Ed should hopefully hear about his job possibility today. If they say they haven't decided yet again then that is not cool at all. Let's hope on hope that they say yes.


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