Sunday, July 25, 2004

Life goes on

So yeah, I am feeling fine today.  Although I felt fine last night.  I am having a tough time bringing myself to telling my parents what happened last night after I got home.  It is easy to just type something on here and post it but to do things face to face is so much different.  I am not going to be drinking alcohol for a while.  I've been thinking about that.  I think it might be doing something not good to my stomach.  Maybe I have an ulcer or something.  I don't know and I won't be able to find out anytime soon because I don't have the right kind of insurance right now.  I have the cheap kind that is for big incidents and such.  I need a real job so I can get good benefits or at least be able to afford my own health insurance.  I think I might even cut out carbonated beverages too.  I really need to get my health in order.  I have started that anyway but shoot.  Maybe last night was the wake up call.  I have to keep a better eye on myself.  I need to be nicer to myself.  I know I can have a good time without drinking or over eating.  I will have to prove that to myself now in the long run too.  God I pray that this isn't something serious. 

Not much else going on today.  Ed leaves for New Orleans for a little trip to visit his friends from school down there today.  He will be gone until next Monday.  I will be pretty darn bored while he is gone.  I will probably still go to the bar a few nights this week to hang out.   I'm watching the Cubs play the Phillies right now.  Cubs are not playing great ball right now.  I wish they would get their act together.2 or 3 people can't carry an entire team.  The team consists of everyone and everyone has to do their part to succeed.  Well, I will chat with you party people later.

Live, Love, Laughter - K


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