Saturday, July 24, 2004

Oh la la

Well, it is Saturday now.  I wake up and my parents are out running errands I guess.  I find a note that says my Grandma wants me to wash her car.  She has never had me wash her car before that I can recall.  I wonder if she wants me to hand wash it or if she wants me to take it somewhere.  I assume hand wash cause she could probably take it somewhere... or maybe she can't.  Washing a car is good exercise though.  I should probably get ready for the day and head over to my grandma's and see what's going on...  I just woke up at noon.  Not too shabby since I couldn't fall asleep until about 4am.  Reierpalooza is this evening at Dempsy's on Monroe between 2nd and 3rd street!  BE THERE OR BE SQUARE!  Wear a toga too.


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