Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Where are you at?

So this is my blog. I have been blogging for about 4 months or so now.  I really like it.  I didn't think I would keep it up as well as I have been.  Granted I had some weeks where I would only post once a week and I hope that didn't turn too many people off of reading what I have to say.  I appreciate people who check even when I'm not putting forth the energy to enter a post into the blog.  I love it even more when people comment on what I have to say, on what I have been doing, or what I could be doing.  I had an old comment thing on here and yes a few people commented on it but I recently switched over to the comment section provided by this wonderful blogger service.  I would like to thank people who comment like Melissa and Shoofly.  It appears that you two are the only ones who also have something to say.  But come on, anyone who reads my blog is reading me.  Can't I read you?  You can post anonymously I believe if you don't want me to know it is you.  I don't care either way.  I am really go with the flow.  Yes I do have things that bother me but I deal with them in my own way.  I won't criticize people for saying something on here.  Maybe you can help me think about things in a different manner or help me to think about things I've never thought about before.  Who knows?  Not me.  Every day is a new day.  Live it.  Be happy that you are alive and healthy. 

Side note, it is now Tuesday, July 27, 2004 and today is APRIL'S BIRTHDAY!!!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY APRIL!!! WOOOHOOO!  She's a gettin OLD!  Ha, just kidding.  If anyone sees April online or out and about wish her a Happy Birthday.

Tonight I hung out with a few friends that I don't hang out with too very often.  Jude, Kevin, Mike, Colin, and Dave.  It was a good time and I had fun.  Kevin's house where we were at is pretty darned nice.  I am envious.  He has a "fun room"  With an entertainment center, pool table, electronic dart board, and a poker table.  Very nice. And this is his house and his alone.  No parents, no siblings. 

Also I walked to Kevin's house from my house.  It is a nice little walk.  He is about 2 blocks north of Chantilly Lace.  I didn't time it or measure it but I think one way the walk was Maybe about 30 minutes or so... I'm really not sure.  But I walked home from there too.  It is creepy walking along dark corn fields at midnight on a Monday night.  I kept thinking a hobo would jump out of the field and kill me.  It didn't happen of course since I am sitting here writing in my blog.  :)   So that was my good exercise for today.  I am happy I did that.  I feel really good now.

I also did not drink any alcohol today.  I was offered a few beers over at Kevin's but once I explained why I am not drinking alcohol right now the peer pressure was no more.  I was fine with my glass of water which is healthier for me anyway. 

Ed called me tonight while I was at Kevin's house and told me about his evening watching the AAA Cardinals play a game down in New Orleans.  You'll have to ask him about that, he had a good time. 

Well kids and children, I am going to go to bed.  It is a little late and I hope to do stuff tomorrow.  Fun stuff. Like party and get laid.  Well... Like I say you never know what the day holds because nothing is set in stone... HAHAHAHA

Live, Love, Laughter - K


At Tuesday, July 27, 2004 9:54:00 AM , Blogger gotshoo.com said...

I'll try to rub off some of the good justshoo charm on to Kyle Still Kyle. Kyle, if you remember, I had website for more than 3 yrs before it got big. 3 words: People Love Pictures. Do you think all the people came for my poorly worded comments. No, it was the half-naked women pictures I had on there. So, ok, half-naked women pictures will cause this site to boom like Pujols hitting another home run. Those are my words of wisdom - coming from the Best Local Website from the Best of Springfield contest.

At Tuesday, July 27, 2004 4:10:00 PM , Blogger K- said...

I know you had a website for a few years. Again you tell me information that I already know. Tell me something I don't know buddy. As for the pictures of half naked women, I rather think it was because you also had pictures up of people you know and people like to see pictures of themselve and things they were a part of. Kind of like, OH LOOK AT ME! I'M ON THE INTERNET!


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