Monday, July 12, 2004

Yeah right...

So yeah, the heat index outside right now at 6:30pm is still at about 97 degrees and very very HUMID. Less than 2 hours of day light left and it doesn't look like it is getting any cooler outside. I am going to make a valiant effort to mow early in the morning tomorrow and just get it all done at once. Now in the mean time I am probably heading down to the bar for a fun, wild, exciting night of hanging out with Ed and whoever is cocktailing tonight, which is probably Mandy because she is usually there on Mondays.

News that I didn't know but now I do... The Wayne's Red Coach Inn restaurant had opened back up. I had been closed for 2 years and apparently opened back up this past December by an old employee who wanted to see it opened back up to its original splendor. I suggest anyone and everyone go have a Horseshoe there. They had the best horseshoe in town back in the day and that is where my parents took my sisters and myself to have our First Horseshoe EVER! That was many many horseshoes ago. Hopefully they have their original receipe. They have other good food there too but they were famous for horseshoes.


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