Monday, August 30, 2004

Shoofly-Centric?? HA!

Ah, Shoofly thinks that I live in a Shoofly-centric world. I do have other things in my life (notice I say MY life) going on that are more of a highlight than the affairs of Shoo. For example, the poker tournament last night. I fared pretty well. Out of 11 people I was 7th place. Not too bad for a real tournament with people I didn't know. Now the big kicker is that Ed won it all last night and won over a 100 bucks. So the movie and drinks afterwards were kindly and graciously supplied from this winfall. Thank you Ed. I can talk about other friends as well. I do have those you know. Ed, Crow, Phil, Ben, Jenny, Natalie, Melissa, Laura C, Farah, Josh, Kurt, Kristine, and the list can go on and on... Have you also thought about how maybe when I start my job without being able to talk about being jobless I could possibly Talk About My Job! WOW! What a notion! Or how I can still have fun and not become a boring adult like the rest of you. You need a good balance of fun and responsibility. I feel a few of you take life way too seriously. You know that you will never get out alive, right? Everyone can have their 15 mintues. Sometimes even when you don't want it. Accidentally step into that spot light and you are stuck there until the next person stumbles in. Relieving you of the scrutiney that attention brings.

As for being called Mr. Klump. It's ok, it is based on my laugh which I'm proud of. But I guess it is true you don't see skinny people with a good hearty laugh. Maybe because they are not as happy as they seem... A hearty laugh comes from practice so if someone has a better laugh than you maybe they are better off than you.


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