Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Tomorrow, tomorrow

This is it folks. It was sprung on me without as much warning as I thought I would have. I got the call today. I start work tomorrow morning at 7am at Enos Elementary with Project Scope. I'm getting nervous. I haven't supervised a group of children before. I know that I am capable of this of course. It is just that it is something very new to me. I was hoping that I would be placed at Owen Marsh where Lora J. is but that didn't happen and I got placed at Enos. I scoped it out today and I know where it is now.

Kyle is going to have to go to anti-social Kyle mode. Especially for a little while until I get on a good sleeping pattern. No staying out late on week nights anylonger. I'm going to miss that. I liked being able to do what others are not usually able to do. Now the weekends are going to be important again! YAY! In the last 8 months I had lost most appreciation for the weekend seeing as how I could party any night of the week. Before I started working the door at Browns I would actually stay in on a weekend night because I was pooped from partying all week long. This will no longer be the case. If I am pooped it is from running around after rugrats every morning and evening. Just 5 hours a day is all this is though. Looks like it is going to be 1.5 hours in the morning and 3.5 hours in the evening. During the day I can do whatever I want. I'm hoping to be able to get into a good scheduled routine where I can get my life ship shape. I'm thinking about maybe finding part time work for during the day or at night after 6pm. But I will settle into this job first of course. Kind of like how I did at Box & Go a few years ago. I worked there during the day and then I devoted nights and weekends to the movie theater about a year after I had started B&G. My main plan is to keep paying my bills, pay off debts, and start saving for the future. As my dad happily said "You are gainfully employed."


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