Thursday, September 30, 2004

No frame of mind

Yeah, I haven't posted in a while. Melissa is getting antsy again for a post. I've been working. The kids are great and annoying at the same time. I have come down with a head cold. I blame the kids for never covering their mouths when they cough and sneeze. It is an energy draining type of cold. I slept for 10 hours last night. Up for 4 hours and then slept for another 3 hours and then back up for work again. Mr. D saw L today and asked how I was and she said I was sick and then he tried telling L that I was working the bar last night as for why I wasn't feeling well. L knew better and told him that I had a head cold. I was like What?! I haven't been to the bar since last Friday night. Why would he say that? Is he trying to get me in trouble? I would never never never never let going out at night affect my performance at work. I thought it was rather shocking to hear that he said that at all.

So, Sorry to anyone for whom I haven't answered your calls. I just really have not been in the mood to talk or I have been asleep when you attempted to call me. I'm sick. I have nothing to say. I'm tired. I don't feel like doing crapola. Josh called me at 10pm last night. Woke my ass up. I was like, What the Hell. But I did not answer it. Silenced it and went back to sleep. It is a Wednesday night and I work at 7am. I thought I made it clear that I'm not going out before Thursday nights. Unless there is some special reason that I need to be out that I have prior knowledge about. Now I'm not saying this is some mandate. But I'm trying to adhere to it for the sake of doing well at my new job. I like it and I don't want to mess up. Not that I mess up at jobs but still.

OK, I keep talking and I said I don't feel like talking. I still feel that way so I am going now. I'll catch you on the flip side. Wherever the hell that is...


At Sunday, October 03, 2004 2:22:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Delony was probably just trying to make small talk, not even thinking that it might make you look bad. Shake it off Kys- it's a compliment your boss stuck up for you!


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