Friday, November 19, 2004

humoring old people

So yeah, today I did my bi-weekly vacumming of my great aunt and uncle's place. That was fun. It is freakishly humid right now and I hate it. I can't do anything physical without becoming a human waterfall of sweat. I did that and then we sat around and ate cookies (oatmeal and those ginger windmill kind) and chatted for about an hour. Ugh. Sometimes it goes by pretty quickly but it seemed that we had nothing to talk about this time so we talked about things that I swear that we have talked about before but they seemed like it was all news to them. They tried getting information out of me about my sister's boyfriend whom everyone is going to meet this Thanksgiving. I don't actually know much so that is a conversation killer right there. Some how we always get on the topic of my health and I ended up recounting all of my blood related health problems all the way back to when it first started when I was 15 years old. That helped pass some time but then again I kept looking at the clock and then back to my aunt who has excessively loose skin. I couldn't stop looking. It was weird. It is like none of her skin is actually attached to her body but just loosely draped around some bones and fat. I know that that happens when someone is nearing 90 years old but still. Wear a sweater or something. Keep that contained. I finally cut into conversation and said I had to go. All the chatting was cutting into my nap time. Which I have an hour and a half of left at this point in time and that is if I can go lay down and pass out Immediately which is doubtful. Rare if I can actually ever do that. 20 minutes laying there awake minimum and that is extreme.

I just have the afternoon shift left at work today. Then it is the weekend. Damn, it is about time. This week has been such an incredibly long week for me. There were no holidays, no conferences, no teacher workshops, so it was a normal week as it is intended to be but hasn't been for the last 2 months about. It was sooooo SLOW. I'm sure that this afternoon will continue to be slow but oh well, close enough to be happy. Workin the door at the bar tonight. I have stopped drinking unofficially for a little while for the duration of me finishing some medications that I am on due to being sick this last week. I hate sinus headaches or I should say sinus head POUNDING and THROBING. If I have ever had a migraine I would say that would have been pretty close to what one feels like.

Thanks Shoo for liking the details. That is what life is all about anyway. Details. Cross the t's and dot the i's and make sure you have clean underwear on.


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