Sunday, December 12, 2004

Stand in the place where you live

Can you change things if you really try? Can you change your life or are you in a forest path that has mildly deep grooves. You might be able to get out of those ruts but would those measures be drastic. To get out of that groove though means leaving everything there in the groove unless there is a way to bring something out of the groove with you. But the other things in the groove have their own grooves too. Although those other grooves are somewhat similar they are not identical because no one has an truely identical groove.

I'm here if you want me, I'm here if you need me, I'm here if you do, I'm here if you don't. I'm not perfect and I never claimed to be. I can't smile all of the time although I try to be. I try for all of you can't you see. I'm here for you and not for me.

I think I need a break. I need a break. Break meaning I don't want it to end but I feel the need for a breather.

You read or skim. If you read what someone has to say then read all of it. You don't watch a movie and then go read the novel it is based off of and then skip chapters because you get the gist of it because you saw the movie. It is the desire to read all and know all that draws you in to begin with. Maybe that one sentence will say something that can change your life or stimulate your mind in new ways. Don't skim. The only skim that is acceptable is the milk.

I had a pine tree on the roof of my car today. That was fun. I should have taken a picture. I let my dad drive my car. He is the human car diagnostic machine. I can find everything out about what is wrong with a car if I put him behind the wheel. Things that I never even noticed in the first place.

I'm just tired.

After Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase) unsuccessfully attempts to demonstrate his handiwork with the house Christmas lights to his family, he asks his son, Rusty (Johnny Galecki), to help him check all the light bulbs again. Rusty looks at his bare wrist, pretending to have a watch, and excuses himself. Looking at a bare wrist and pretending to have a watch is one of Chevy Chase's trademark gags.


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