Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Catching up

Yeah. Sometimes I think that I am a horrible friend. I would like to think that I do as much as I can for friends but at the same time I feel empty as in I don't do enough. I just called a friend out in Arizona last night because she IMed me a few days ago saying that she is coming to town this weekend and wants to hang out. So, I called her and ironed out the details of her trip home. It was great talking to her. The first thing we both admitted was that we neither had each other in our respective cell phones any longer. With my old cell phone I only had so many spots for phone numbers. I am meeting new people all the time and some people I barely talk to anymore. So some got phased out but not completely. I usually write a phone number down before deleting it so that I have it somewhere.

Now, I have more number spots in my new cell phone (500). I am going to be adding and editing everyone's entry but as time goes by I know that some people may have new numbers having moved around a little bit. I also know that a lot of people keep the same cell number no matter where they live for convenience. I sent out a huge email for people to email me back with their current cell numbers and even landline numbers so that I can verify that I have the right one still. Even if I am a horrible friend and never really call that much or even at all, I like to know that I have the number available to call incase that I get that itch. Plus, I enjoy being able to help a friend get in contact with another friend if they don't have the number then maybe I do. So I can be the middle man, I like to help out. If I did not email you it might be because I don't have a current email for you either! I have a ton of emails that don't work anymore and I have no way of getting in contact with you via internet. So email me with your stuff. Don't put it on here, shady people lurk in the shadows of the web.

Also, as mentioned by my friend out in Arizona, she asked me if I was going to do the address list that I used to do while everyone was in college. I told her that I may do it after June because I know I have a few friends getting married and moving so if I do it after that then everyone would be up to date and I would not have to send a follow-up inquiry. So, as summer comes along expect to see an email from me. I'm probably going to just keep it to people from SE or close friends of the group that I hung with. You know, cause a lot of my new friends have no idea about even a half of my old friends. So I think I will keep it to old friends.


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