People may or may not know this but I try to do help out my friends when I can. I am not always in a situation to help when it comes to money but advice and a shoulder to lean on are guaranteed.
Tonight I am helping out a best bud. He called me up and asked me to work the door of his establishment by carding and taking a cover charge and after some back and forth within my own mind I agreed. I only went back and forth because I was hoping for just a laid back night without responsibility but as the song goes you can't always get what you want. So later on I will be carding and charging at the door of Mo-ho's. I've had my coffee so I should be good to go. Come see Inspected By Posamist. It will be a good time. Btw, everyone has gotta pay the cover. Don't go thinking that because it is me that I will let you by without some mooh-lah. I care.
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