Thursday, April 15, 2004


Well tonight was my last night of ISU Redbird League Bowling. It was so much fun. All the way back to the second week of classes this semester up until tonight I have bowled 2 nights. Well worth my 55 dollars that I paid to join the league and then the 13 dollars to become sanctioned under a Bowling Assoc. People had fun bowling in my while I was gone. I didn't really get to know more people like I thought I would because yeah, being there once in the middle and once at the end doesn't quite cut it. Some people are like who is that guy bowling over there. Well maybe not but I felt people thinking that is my thought. I sucked tonight only 1 decent game tonight for me out of 3, my high game was a 169. Bowling people are a lot of fun. I wish I had gotten to know most of them better. It would be cool to see them around after college is over.

I got a call from Jules tonight. I hadn't talked to her in quite a while. Not since the night she left her keys at Perkins and I had to take her back there then back again to downtown ending the night with the sun coming up. That was fun! But yeah, so she hadn't returned my calls for like the last week and a half or so... yeah cause I called he the next day and then the next weekend too, but yet, here she calls me and I'm up in Normal now. So we chatted briefly about me bowling and then about how I should be heading home this Saturday after I get off of work. So we will more than likely get to chill Saturday and then Sunday I will head back up here to Normal.

Funny thing tonight... I had put the coffee table askew and Phil noticed it and was all like, why is this like this, and i'm like does it matter it isn't hurting anything, and he was like yes it matters and fixed it immediately. He's so Obsessive Compulsive.

Oh yeah, last night's ravings were alcohol induced. I'm not as angry as I can sound.

AH! Ed found a website of a guy who is claiming that he and others have set a high score of 603,000 on PhotoHunt. WOW! Check this out.... Start at the bottom and work your way up. It is a blog and has some short news about their Photo Hunt adventures.

So day 3 of really cutting back on how much I eat is going well. I think I may try to cut out soda from my daily diet and only drink it with alcohol. I am having pizza tomorrow. I have already decided that I will. I know it is bad for me in the sense that it isn't a healthy food. Hell I can have what ever I want but yeah, I've been watching what I eat so I feel that if I have a few slices and do not over do it then all will be well. Kind of one of those just go ahead and get it out of your system and then get back on track immediately types of things.

Work was good today. Busy to the pace of we had customers but then we didn't get backed up with stuff because they were coming in hordes. I like working there. It is fun. The staff is good and fun and friends. Ron my boss was back today and was happy to see me back. I showed him my scar and he was impressed and didn't think it would have been so big.

Well, I'm about to head to bed. It is almost 1am and I work at 9am and I like sleep so I'm going to try and get to that point. Goodnight all! Drop me a line.


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