Sunday, April 11, 2004


So I sit here at my computer, in my room, in my apartment. My roommates are doing homework as they should be. I am going to try to go to bed since I have a decently full day of work tomorrow and I haven't worked in about 3 months. Plus I don't have homework, HAHAHAHA. I shot pool tonight and that was fun. Played some Photohunt and that was fun too. It felt like I was still in Springfield. The machine that I play on here though does not have Wordster and that upsets me. I want to work on my skills while I am not in Springfield and keep them fresh and toned. Saw Chris and Kim tonight cause they were working at the BBC which I will inform you all this one time that BBC means Bowling and Billiards Center which is part of the ISU campus. Tomorrow is Monday and it is full of possibilities. I'm so excited. WOOO!


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