Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Love me?...

Love me love me say that you love me. What's up beeyatches? So am I the last man standing? Has it all come down to me? Does that mean things are bad or fresh. Women don't know what they want. Men want what all men want. We know what we want. We cannot outwardly admit what we want as to not piss off what we want. I am a guy. Granted I'm probably not as jackass as most guys and I pride myself on this fact but at the same time I am a male.

My friends don't tell me shit anymore. Friends who don't talk can kiss my ass. If I want "friends" who don't talk about shit then I will go hang out with a group of strangers so I can sit there the whole night and try to figure out what they are talking about because that is exactly how it is with my "friends" right now. Important shit happens in a friend's life and I would think we are close enough to talk or share that. Reverse it I would be cool but apparently not with the way it is.

Can I just move away now. I thrive off of my friendships because I feel friends are the most important thing next to family. BUT lately I feel like I just want to move and leave everything behind. Kind of like just going to my room when I'm pissy but actually getting the HELL OUT OF DODGE. I would really like to maybe just start working on a cruise ship or something. Sail around the world while making it a pleasant trip for passengers of the cruise I would like to be able to take a "lady friend" with me and just start a new life. That would be cool. Sure we would struggle and have hard times but that is what life is all about. If things were always freakin easy then life would be boring as hell.


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