Monday, April 12, 2004

Damn crap...

So yeah, work today was exhausting. I haven't done that much physical activity in a long ass time. What sucks though is that I have a nasty uncontrolable cough right now and my sinuses are going crazy too. So I'm trying to help customers and I kept having to turn away and cough infront of them. It wasn't like I could go around the corner and get it out of my system because it was a continuous all day thing. Actually I had crappy sleep last night because of the cough too. I took some dayquil stuff but that didn't help me at all. Well maybe right at first but yeah that didn't last long. I hate coughing infront of customers. I feel like it is so incredibly rude and gross but I can't help it. They want to ship their packages and then be on their way and I can help them do that but the cough comes along with the help. I know I don't like people to be coughing alot right infront of me. So that is why I really hate when I cough infront of others plus coughing in general just sucks ass. Other than that just a usual busy exhausting day at work today. If I wasn't feeling sick I was going to try and go for a walk tonight but I would be coughing the whole time and I also don't have a coat cause I left that in Springfield like an idiot.

Crow and Philly wanted to know if I wanted to go in on pizza with them tonight. I passed because mainly pizza is bad for you and then also because I'm trying to live off of what I have. By living off of what I have I then also can limit what I eat because even when I eat good for you food I eat way too much of it and then it isn't all that good because that is like overdosing. So if I have the mentality that I don't have much food to eat then I ration it out a lot better than a full pantry. I had myself some good salad and like 2 slices of ham and some V8. Good stuff and I'm making that all I have for the rest of the night. I hope to see good results soon. :)

Tonight is a tame night. Again trying not to spend money so that means not really going out. Trying not to drive my car much so that I can conserve gasoline. Trying not to buy food out as to save money and eat better at the same time. Trying to get back on a better sleep schedule because I am now going to be working every day. Save money cause I will soon have hella bills to pay.

That is all that is on my plate right now. I'll touch back later :)


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