Sunday, April 11, 2004

So much but so little...

Merf's celebration was a good time. The birthday boy appeared to have an awesome time and that is what matters. It was his birthday after all. I had an ok time. I thought Phil and Vancil were going to come but they decided to say they were coming and then not show up at all or even call to give a heads up about not coming. That is a mark in the book under Bogus.

I hate times when it seems like there is more on your mind than you care to deal with. Then you think about what is on your mind and it is really nothing at all. I got into a funk tonight and I don't know for sure what it was that is the deal. I just feel that I need to get my shit together. I'm thinking about taking some drastic measures because extreme results require extreme measures to get there. Granted I say I am thinking because right now that is what I am thinking. Thoughts are a lot different than actions.

My time of fun and chaos is almost over and practically is right now. Sure I will be partying soon enough but on a daily basis? I think not. Nope. I go back to work on Monday morning after being off since January. 3 months of me just being a lazy bum. It has been fun and I have enjoyed every moment of it... of what I can remember. Now I need to get my ass in line and get some shit done. Yes I say shit a decent amount I hope I don't seriously offend anyone.

All I gotta say though... is what does that guy over there have that I don't have?

Don't make me out to be the chopped liver.


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