Monday, April 05, 2004

What I do....

So, when I'm not out "getting my drink on" people wonder what else it is I do. Well, not really. I don't think people really care what I do at all. But let us assume that people have been asking. It is obvious that I spend a decent amount of time online, especially late at night. What websites do I go to you ask? I will post a few of my favorites right here. To check out old and new and future movies I hit up the DVD section and check out what I want to own Smallville dedicated website, very professional and accurate My bud Shoofly's website and blog Merf XXV "Twenty Five Years of Craziness" Birthday Site The Chicago Cubs OFFICIAL Website The Cubs Clubhouse of I slap the monkey! 807mph is my highest. I check out local movies and showtimes here in Springfield.

Well, I hope you enjoy those links as much as I do. The Chicago Cubs play today (Monday) at 1pm on ESPN and on Fox Sports. I am so happy the regular season has started. Wood is pitching the first game. GO CUBS!

Also, Yeah, I took at nap at 9pm for an hour and now I have been up most of the night. It is almost 4am and I have done absolutely nothing today or tonight. I've chilled and relaxed and didn't go out. That is about it. I will catch you "fans" later. Peace, Love, and I'm outtaheerrrrreeeee


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