Saturday, April 03, 2004


I have a few options tonight of things to do. Well actually it is just 2. I can either go to a more than likely awesome party in Chamaign at Emily and Phil's apartment. Which the last one was a very good time or I can go down to the bar and hang out with Ed while he works the door tonight. I'm still feeling a little hazy in the head from last night being such a long ass night. I went and walked in the park again today. It was a beautiful day again but this time I went by myself. I felt I needed some time to just think and get some real fresh air with some exercise. Being at the park has made me realize that I want a new dog. There were so many neat and cute dogs being walked in the park today. I won't be able to have a dog of my own for a few years. Not until I can afford a dog and also have my own place that allows pets. I miss our family dog that just passed away. At first it was like, yeah she died. Now barely over a month later I am starting to really miss her. BJ (our dog) was about 11 and a half years old and I am 22 so she has been a part of our family for half of my life. I want to take her for walks. She loved the park and I didn't take her there often enough. Squirrels have total reign over the back yard now since she isn't chasing them back up into trees. It is very different and empty around here. I'm not fond of this at all.

Philly is in town tonight through tomorrow. I may just hang out with him tonight down at the bar. I don't know... I don't know if I even really want to go out tonight. I am opposite man. I go out all week and then the weekend comes and I don't feel like going out. Crazy huh?


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