Saturday, April 03, 2004

Long night...

Wow. What a night last night. I had another fun and interesting night last night. I am apparently awesome to someone that I know to the point that if she wasn't in a faithfully committed relationship I think she said she would be all over me? Maybe or something to that extent. I'm flattered beyond belief. What do I say to this but thank you. Of course I think she is very cool. She also said if she had a younger sister she would introduce us. But she doesn't... Why can't single girls (that I connect with) start admitting that they like me? (Not saying this in a cocky way, ok) What gets me is that she said it doesn't matter to her that I am a big guy. I'm like whoa. Because most girls (and people in general actually) are pretty superficial. No one looks for the good ol' boy anymore even though they say they do. I just look in the wrong areas I suppose and granted I don't just go hitting on girls. It isn't my style to just try and pick up women with lines and such. I jokingly will say lines to friends all in good fun and that is about it. And people need to stop acting like we are still in high school. We are all adults. We can have fun but still be adults. I will always be young at heart and I know this because I know myself. I'll settle down yes, someday, but not now. We are young and now is the time to have fun but do it with some maturity people! Responsibility is cool. Goofing off is cool. Splice it together and you have a damned good fun time no matter what you do. You make your life however you want. You are in more control than you may lead yourself to believe. Also, you don't have to have alcohol to have a good time either. Granted when you are in a bar the bar likes it when you drink. But you don't have to drink to be in a bar. I'm nice about things though and like last night I got a water at the end of the night at Top of the Hilton and I tipped a dollar because I appreciated the fact that the waitress went and got me a water even though she didn't expect to get paid for it or get a tip from it. But I was the only one who ordered and she made a trip just for me.

Well, I just realized that I just rambled alot. I hope everyone can follow that thought train because I just wrote as the thoughts were coming out. But yeah, I'm not really looking to just party all the time. It may look like that but I just am trying to have fun and if something other than bars presents itself then cool. Right now it seems that hanging out with my friends is all I have going on for me right now. So hang out I will. I'm getting pretty good at hanging out too. Like I say, let me know how your life is going. I would love to hear from you. IM me, E-mail me, or call me. Peace Love and I'm out of here.

PS. The long night is referring to the fact that I didn't get home and into bed until exactly 6:15am. It is fun watching the sun rise, let me tell you. :)


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