Friday, July 30, 2004

Another Candidate

The shot me down.  Family Video said that "We went with another candidate".  Well Whoopeeeeeee.  Isn't that just wonderful!?  I woke up before I needed to just so that I could hear some bad news today.  Now I have to focus my energy on getting more resumes out.  Granted I have a few out there already but I'm going to put some more out into circulation.  One option I'm looking at is a FT Dental Asst. with no experience necessary.  I'm jumping on this one :)  Benefits, Holidays, and weekends off.  That's what I'm talkin about.  But I'm not getting hopes up for much anymore.  I am a beaten man.  I've never had so much bad luck.  I just want to know what I have been doing wrong. 


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