Thursday, July 29, 2004

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Oh I sure do love that question.  Where do I see myself in 5 years.  Well I hope I'm not still sitting around getting asked that question in 5 years, that's for sure.  In 5 years I see myself in a stable job and I have a good relationship with a girl friend and I live by myself.  I am not necessarily seeing myself in Springfield though.  That doesn't sound too far fetched now does it?  I think it sounds plausible. 

Jenny and I are going to start walking in the evenings now.  She apparently needs some motivation and so do I so we shall motivate each other.  She works a normal work day and walking before work is just too early for her apparently.  So I will nag her of an evening to get us out and about and walking.  I will still be working out with Josh on MWF at noon.  And I will do the extra things that do actually help out like when I go somewhere park far out in the parking lot so you have to walk a little farther.  Staying active is the key.  Gotta raise that metabolism.

So I stopped into the bar this evening on my way into Dempsey's.  It was weird.  Ed's mom even said she didn't expect me in since Ed is out of town.  I'm like, oh come on, I can't stay away from this place even when Ed is gone.  I almost went down Monday night because Monica was working but I got lazy and ended up not doing anything.  I know most of the regulars now and all of the staff so I have no problem going in there and hanging out.  After one drink "water", Jenny and I headed over to Dempsey's to hang out until about close.  Shoofly came too after he got done bowling with friends.  Natalie and others were there too.  They didn't stay until close like Jenny, Shoofly and myself.  Also, sorry Shoofly that I didn't feel like going to Stella Blue with you.  I'm not a huge fan of that place. 

OH!  I did well tonight and did not drink.  Not that I planned on it or anything but I said no.  Although it is weird explaining why I am not drinking.  The "Hey!  I puked blood the other night" doesn't set well with people.  I think I may start saying for health reasons.  Or something like "Doctor's orders" you know what I mean.  It gets the point across that I am not drinking for my health right now. 

Oh to look good again.  I hate getting judged by the way I look.  I know girls like me but they are like, oh you're a little big.  I am more compatible than most guys I would figure.  I don't make a huge fuss.  All so superficial.  I see past your faults.  We all have them. 

HAPPY 22nd BIRTHDAY TO JESSICA WAKOLBINGER!!! Today July 29,2004 is her birthday.  YAY!


At Thursday, July 29, 2004 5:12:00 PM , Blogger said...

I hate the 5 years question. From my experience it never seems to happen.


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