Monday, August 02, 2004

Damned Internet

So yeah. I had a nice long wonderful post filling in the weekend. But then my "connection" that I always use so that I can be online all of the time decides that it wants me to pay to renew it. HAHAHA. I'm not paying for a "free" connection. When my connection decided that it wanted me to renew it wouldn't let me go to any other web page except the informative page. So I couldn't post my blog because of course this happens right when I click the post button. I can't go back after that point in time. It will all be blank. So I was just screwed. Also, I won't be online as much as I used to be now. Since my dad and I share an AOL connection he signs on and I sign on and we can't be on at the same time over the same modem. SO, when I am signed on I will more than likely ACTUALLY be AT my computer. That is unless I can talk my dad into getting Broadband internet. I'll see what I can do. I'll still post. I'll still be on late at night and on and off throughout the day. I wonder if people will even notice that I'm not on as much. Well "Mr. Connection" it has been fun using you. Since I was a Junior in H.S. That is a long history with "Mr. Connection". I am going to bed. I have to job hunt, work out, and mow tomorrow. Should be a fun day. I hope I wake up when I want to. That will be tough knowing how my sleeping habits have been lately.


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