Saturday, October 02, 2004

If you want to destroy my sweater

Pull this thread as I walk away, as I walk away.

Hell yeah, It is finally Saturday. It is the weekend. I somehow survived my first full day of Scope. The rugrats had no school so then we at Scope got them all day long.

I just had a nice visit from my sister Keri and her niece Peyton (no relation to me). I don't see her very often as she is older and has her own life but she stops by and we do family things.

Last night was fun. It was nice to be able to hang out and have a few drinks and relax. Even though I am still sick but not as bad as I was. I think that my head cold is moving into my throat now. I'm battling it the best that I can. Tonight I work the door. That should be a good time. I always enjoy working the door.

I sure do love hanging out with lovely ladies. Especially ones that don't appear to be shallow and superficial.

I hear that Crow wants to get a tattoo of a "Crow". I don't advise going through with that. Especially the picture that I think he is going to use is more of a dead parakeet or something. Not really a crow. Crow is addicted to those cheap 1.00 sundae's from McDonalds. Weird. Of all things to crave... is a mini cup of cheap softserve.

Shoo thinks that if someone asks you if you are a homophobe then that someone must be homosexual. Because that is how he replys to such a questions.

The Cubs piss me off. Where the hell is the offense. Sammy is actually hitting somewhat again but hell now everyone else is like, uhhhhhh what?


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