So last night was a long ass night in a rather short amount of time. Ed and I couldn't believe how much we did in just one night. I started my evening off by following my dad out to Honda to drop off my mom's car and then bring him back. As soon as I dropped him off I had to rush over and get Ed because he and I were scheduled to play in a small Texas Holdem tournament. We got there shortly after 6pm. We played and played and got done at about 10pm. It was a good night. Then after that we were driving and saying how it feels so early and we are still wanting to do something. We think, hey, what about a movie? We both wanted to see Hero so we decided on that. It was about 10:20 at this time. We couldn't remember the phone number for that darn fandango movie line thing so we decide to chance it and just go to Showplace 8 East. They had a 10:15, we still had time! We totally missed the previews but that is ok, we of course were just interested in the movie. So it was just started when we walked in and sat down. Well, that lasted about an hour and a half. It was Midnight. We still felt like we wanted to do something so we do what anyone else would do on a Sunday evening at Midnight... We went to The Curve Inn for a few drinks. $5.00 pitchers on Sunday evenings. Pretty good deal with regular sized pitchers. So we hung out there, ran into a guy who is a quasi regular at browns. That guy and his buddy apparently left 17 credits on the MegaTouch machine and Ed and I were in heaven. We were set for the whole night and had no remorse about playing all of the credits on there. We played and played that is until a girl named Brooke decided to voice her mind about us hogging the machine because she wanted to play too. She tried to make claims that photohunt was her favorite game and that she was the best at it, Ed and I were like, oh yeah? And we showed her a game or 2 of us playing. She was amazed. Claiming that we are the guys that set the high scores she can never beat. We're like, yup, probably us. So then we get to chatting with her. We meet her friend Sara who works at Starship Billiards and is the step daughter of someone in the bar business or something, it didn't concern me much so i didn't pay total attention. She was cool though. Then While she was chatting Ed got into a huge Cub Cardinal debate with a drunk Cub fan in full Cub garb. The funny thing is that he was making the claim that I usually hear all of the Cardinal fans claim. That Cardinal fans are only donning their hats and shirts now that their team is doing well and where were they at the beginning of the season or the last few years. So funny! Cards say that to Cub fans all the time. I know because I'm a Cub fan and get ragged on just because they are the team that I like the most. I wasn't getting in the conversation though. Ed can argue baseball stats like no other friend of mine can so it was a tough battle. I don't think anyone won. I don't think anyone can ever win. Each side will always have plusses and each side will always have the negatives. So anyone can always say, "But what about this? Huh?" I don't bother. I say you both lose because no one can win. Just enjoy the game and say Go "My Team" but do it when they are winning and do it when they are losing. That is how you support your team. It's not called support for nothing. So yeah after all that at the curve we realized it was last call and then we got out of there at about 3:10am. Wow, time really flew once we got settled in at the Curve. We then realized we did a hell of a lot for a Sunday evening. Tournament, Movie, and Drinking and touch games for hours.
Who are all of these anonymous people posting? Hmmmm, I have deductive reasoning and I think I may know at least 1 person. The other I have a hunch but I don't know if that person actually checks out my site or if it was a first time for checking it out. I'm not actually mad at Stewie, if that is what you people think. I would have thought that he would have told us. I'm disappointed. Also jealous? Yeah I would be jealous, Stewie is a playa and I'm jealous of that. If only I could ensnare the ladies like he can, life would be so much different.