Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Tomorrow, tomorrow

This is it folks. It was sprung on me without as much warning as I thought I would have. I got the call today. I start work tomorrow morning at 7am at Enos Elementary with Project Scope. I'm getting nervous. I haven't supervised a group of children before. I know that I am capable of this of course. It is just that it is something very new to me. I was hoping that I would be placed at Owen Marsh where Lora J. is but that didn't happen and I got placed at Enos. I scoped it out today and I know where it is now.

Kyle is going to have to go to anti-social Kyle mode. Especially for a little while until I get on a good sleeping pattern. No staying out late on week nights anylonger. I'm going to miss that. I liked being able to do what others are not usually able to do. Now the weekends are going to be important again! YAY! In the last 8 months I had lost most appreciation for the weekend seeing as how I could party any night of the week. Before I started working the door at Browns I would actually stay in on a weekend night because I was pooped from partying all week long. This will no longer be the case. If I am pooped it is from running around after rugrats every morning and evening. Just 5 hours a day is all this is though. Looks like it is going to be 1.5 hours in the morning and 3.5 hours in the evening. During the day I can do whatever I want. I'm hoping to be able to get into a good scheduled routine where I can get my life ship shape. I'm thinking about maybe finding part time work for during the day or at night after 6pm. But I will settle into this job first of course. Kind of like how I did at Box & Go a few years ago. I worked there during the day and then I devoted nights and weekends to the movie theater about a year after I had started B&G. My main plan is to keep paying my bills, pay off debts, and start saving for the future. As my dad happily said "You are gainfully employed."

Tension is intriguing

So I just noticed that my site has been visited quite a bit in the last day. People do love a good fight don't they? Or even just the possibility of one? I hope you people realize who this is you're reading right now. I don't really fight. I can't remember the last fight I was in or if I have been in one at all. Life's too short to fight. Now I do like to get things reilled up a little. Keep things interesting. Life can be pretty boring at times and if it is just day in and day out crap then that gets old. I hate to see day in and day out crap at all. I know it happens so I try to just spice it up here and there when I can. Nothing drastic or anything though. Maybe Shoofly and I can stage a realistic fight every so often just to get the masses talking? How does that sound to all of you voyeurs? Of course we wouldn't give you fair warning and we would make it as realistic as we can without crossing real borders. I'm just spitballing right now. Nothing is in stone or nor has anything been notarized yet. I need to run this by Shoo of course. But I would think he would be up for it. We could treat it like a little project.

Other than whatever that was, today was boring. I did absolutely nothing. I took a nap in the afternoon which I guess Ed thought that I would sleep the rest of the day and night with. I was up for the Cubs game of course. I don't like to miss my Cubbies play. They won this game today against the Expos (who have 2 of our traded guys Alex Gonzales and Frances Beltran from the July Trades). Thank God. They took an ugly beating from the Astros losing 3 out of 4. That didn't help us with our wild card chances. We're still hanging in there but it is a lot closer than it should be. The cubs need to work on their base running and the need for no more ERRORS. Getting caught out in the middle when you needed to tag up like 10 minutes ago is not good base running. The Cubs have been doing that more often than they should. Or getting waved home when they really shouldn't have been. Enough already!

I had myself a nice long drive this evening. I haven't done that in a long time. I probably drove for about 2 hours or so just listening to music and enjoying the quiet town and clear skies with a full moon. Put about 30 miles on my car. Decent amount of driving. It is a nice way to clear my head. I still haven't gotten on a normal sleep schedule. I keep telling myself that I am going to start right away and then I put it off for another day. I am going to be getting up at about 6am during the week as soon as I start working. So staying up til 3:20am like it is right now would not be good when I would need to get up in a little while after. I plan on going to bed in a few minutes which will be about 2 hours better than last night. Maybe tomorrow night I can try to go to bed at midnight or something... Who knows.

Monday, August 30, 2004

Shoofly-Centric?? HA!

Ah, Shoofly thinks that I live in a Shoofly-centric world. I do have other things in my life (notice I say MY life) going on that are more of a highlight than the affairs of Shoo. For example, the poker tournament last night. I fared pretty well. Out of 11 people I was 7th place. Not too bad for a real tournament with people I didn't know. Now the big kicker is that Ed won it all last night and won over a 100 bucks. So the movie and drinks afterwards were kindly and graciously supplied from this winfall. Thank you Ed. I can talk about other friends as well. I do have those you know. Ed, Crow, Phil, Ben, Jenny, Natalie, Melissa, Laura C, Farah, Josh, Kurt, Kristine, and the list can go on and on... Have you also thought about how maybe when I start my job without being able to talk about being jobless I could possibly Talk About My Job! WOW! What a notion! Or how I can still have fun and not become a boring adult like the rest of you. You need a good balance of fun and responsibility. I feel a few of you take life way too seriously. You know that you will never get out alive, right? Everyone can have their 15 mintues. Sometimes even when you don't want it. Accidentally step into that spot light and you are stuck there until the next person stumbles in. Relieving you of the scrutiney that attention brings.

As for being called Mr. Klump. It's ok, it is based on my laugh which I'm proud of. But I guess it is true you don't see skinny people with a good hearty laugh. Maybe because they are not as happy as they seem... A hearty laugh comes from practice so if someone has a better laugh than you maybe they are better off than you.

Too Much Too Quick

So last night was a long ass night in a rather short amount of time. Ed and I couldn't believe how much we did in just one night. I started my evening off by following my dad out to Honda to drop off my mom's car and then bring him back. As soon as I dropped him off I had to rush over and get Ed because he and I were scheduled to play in a small Texas Holdem tournament. We got there shortly after 6pm. We played and played and got done at about 10pm. It was a good night. Then after that we were driving and saying how it feels so early and we are still wanting to do something. We think, hey, what about a movie? We both wanted to see Hero so we decided on that. It was about 10:20 at this time. We couldn't remember the phone number for that darn fandango movie line thing so we decide to chance it and just go to Showplace 8 East. They had a 10:15, we still had time! We totally missed the previews but that is ok, we of course were just interested in the movie. So it was just started when we walked in and sat down. Well, that lasted about an hour and a half. It was Midnight. We still felt like we wanted to do something so we do what anyone else would do on a Sunday evening at Midnight... We went to The Curve Inn for a few drinks. $5.00 pitchers on Sunday evenings. Pretty good deal with regular sized pitchers. So we hung out there, ran into a guy who is a quasi regular at browns. That guy and his buddy apparently left 17 credits on the MegaTouch machine and Ed and I were in heaven. We were set for the whole night and had no remorse about playing all of the credits on there. We played and played that is until a girl named Brooke decided to voice her mind about us hogging the machine because she wanted to play too. She tried to make claims that photohunt was her favorite game and that she was the best at it, Ed and I were like, oh yeah? And we showed her a game or 2 of us playing. She was amazed. Claiming that we are the guys that set the high scores she can never beat. We're like, yup, probably us. So then we get to chatting with her. We meet her friend Sara who works at Starship Billiards and is the step daughter of someone in the bar business or something, it didn't concern me much so i didn't pay total attention. She was cool though. Then While she was chatting Ed got into a huge Cub Cardinal debate with a drunk Cub fan in full Cub garb. The funny thing is that he was making the claim that I usually hear all of the Cardinal fans claim. That Cardinal fans are only donning their hats and shirts now that their team is doing well and where were they at the beginning of the season or the last few years. So funny! Cards say that to Cub fans all the time. I know because I'm a Cub fan and get ragged on just because they are the team that I like the most. I wasn't getting in the conversation though. Ed can argue baseball stats like no other friend of mine can so it was a tough battle. I don't think anyone won. I don't think anyone can ever win. Each side will always have plusses and each side will always have the negatives. So anyone can always say, "But what about this? Huh?" I don't bother. I say you both lose because no one can win. Just enjoy the game and say Go "My Team" but do it when they are winning and do it when they are losing. That is how you support your team. It's not called support for nothing. So yeah after all that at the curve we realized it was last call and then we got out of there at about 3:10am. Wow, time really flew once we got settled in at the Curve. We then realized we did a hell of a lot for a Sunday evening. Tournament, Movie, and Drinking and touch games for hours.

Who are all of these anonymous people posting? Hmmmm, I have deductive reasoning and I think I may know at least 1 person. The other I have a hunch but I don't know if that person actually checks out my site or if it was a first time for checking it out. I'm not actually mad at Stewie, if that is what you people think. I would have thought that he would have told us. I'm disappointed. Also jealous? Yeah I would be jealous, Stewie is a playa and I'm jealous of that. If only I could ensnare the ladies like he can, life would be so much different.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004


YAY! I HAVE A JOB! WAAAHOOOOOO! I'm so stoked. I have officially been hired by the Project SCOPE Program (Before and After School Program) as a Child Development Associate II. This job is in conjunction with the school district but seperate. I get to supervise, play with, and be a part of little children's lives. I don't have to be dressed up in a suit everyday. I can wear denim. It is 5 hours a day with great health benefits. Thank you everyone who wished me luck, prayed, or helped me to get a job. A huge thank you to Mr. D and RD because without them I would not have this job. I just have to wait for the criminal background and finger printing to all go through which I know will be A-ok. I just wonder how soon I will start. I'm anxious to get this going. Have income and insurance again will be very nice. Also I can keep working the door at Browns. This is in no way a night job. I'm out of there by 6pm every day. Although I have to be in at 7am. It will be a split shift job. Mornings and afternoons. So no staying up late during the week. I have to be up and alert to handle hordes of children. Always in a good mood is what I gather. I can't let personal issues be reflected upon the children. I am going to be a role model! AHH! I am so stoked. YAY!

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Hello McFly, Anybody home?

Well well well, What do we have here? I don't know. I just like saying that. Angelina Jolie has to be one of the hottest women ever. I like her alot.

Well, tomorrow is my official interview with Scope for my more than likely new job. I'm excited and still nervous at the same time. If I land this job I know I will like it alot. For one I love kids. This might change my view of kids, I realize that but as of right now I love them. This will be great job and life experience working at Scope. Meeting people from all walks of life. It will be quite a bit different from packaging items up and shipping them UPS. Ah, I miss those days. I always felt that I would be doing the shipping industry for a long time. It is what I knew and I loved it. This will be a huge change for me. If I go into teaching like I am thinking about then Scope will be a good basis because both teaching and Scope are all about the children. I will get used to being around children through scope because I have no previous experience being around large groups of children. It is usually smaller groups that I know most of them.

Do you ever feel like you are living someone else's life? I do. I feel like I am living a life and just watching it and not really participating in it. It is like I am waiting for the real stuff to happen. Or like I'm just here pinch-hitting and I'm not doing a very good job of it and screwing it up for the real Kyle. Does that make any sense? I think it does. I know I am Kyle but sometimes I feel like I am not really Kyle, just standing in for Kyle and doing a botched up job in his place. Things are not all that good for me right now. Yeah, I've got it easy but is easy the best way to do things? Easy is not very fulfilling and is void and empty. Living with the parents, Jobless, Girlfriend less, near broke, and overweight. I've got quite a few strikes against at this point in my life. Now I'm not crying anyone a river, don't take it as that. I am doing what I can to fix a few of those. But others are not as easy. Effort and dedication. I can apply those to certain parts of my life but not others. Why would this be? If able to do it somewhere shouldn't I be able to do it everywhere?

Friday, August 20, 2004

101, just as important as 100.

Post 101 IS just as important as post 100. Being similar to great Cubs pitcher Greg Maddux who recently achieved his 300th Major League Baseball career win. He and fans expressed that even though 300 is a milestone you cannot belittle the importance of 301. Every win is important just as every post within my blog is important in its own special way.

Mr. Shoofly the newest bartender at DH Browns and good friend of mine has had a problem with me lately. He feels that I need to stop slacking on the blogging. He has verbally complained to me numerous times about how I haven't posted in a few days. With my blog he apparently lives vicariously through me. He loves me, worships me, and thinks that I am the Shizz-nit. Can you blame him? I wouldn't if I were you. So here I am blogging away at the request of my fan(s).

I am multitasking while I write this. My new thing is AOL Texas Hold'em poker. I play it about all the time. I can stay up until the sun comes up playing it. It is soooo addicting. Now, I don't play with real money. But I start out with some tokens. I can win tokens from other players and also from a spin I get every 3 wins I make at one sitting. So I am racking up the tokens. Now you say, "Tokens, so what?" and I say this... the tokens can be entered in daily, weekly, or monthly drawings for real money. Yep. I entered a buttload of tokens into the monthly drawing which is for $1,000. Yes you heard right. By playing with free tokens I can possibly win $1,000. So I play and play and try to sharpen my skills. See when people are bluffing and figure the odds of my hand being the winning hand. Or when to get the hell out of a hand before I hurt my bank.

Well folks, Kyle may finally have a real job. Months of searching and interviews and resumes and it jumps right into my lap. When this goes all the way through and I am finally working I am going to have to thank Reier big time for this. I may be an employee of Scope, daycare through the school district here in Springfield. The interview process has yet to happen but from the looks of things I think I am in. We'll see though. I'm not saying that I'm working there until I am actually working there. Now I did a few days ago have an interview with Marine Bank to be a full time teller. I feel that the interview went well and if I hear back from them then I will more than likely have to go with them. It is more hours and more suitable for me at this point in my career. Good benefits too. But Scope apparently has benefits also so both are good for that.

Yesterday was Melissa's 23rd birthday. Happy belated birthday to her. We all went out last night and had a blast. It was a good time.

I am still not drinking alcohol. I drink water like nobody's business. It's good stuff. You should try it out. I work tonight down at the bar. The door of course.

Shannon is coming home tomorrow. I was going to possibly see if I could work the door on Saturday too but now that I see that Shannon will be coming home I am glad that I never got around to it. This should be a good weekend. Well, I'm running out of steam. Nothing is pissing me off right now so not a whole lot of complaining going on.

I will talk to you kids later.

Live, Love, Laughter - K

Sunday, August 08, 2004

How does that go again?

And then there was 1. Oh wait, maybe there was always 1 and I never realized it before. Last night was good. Slow at the bar but I had a decent time. People came in and saw me and had a few drinks. Ed and I got to break up a fight by some really drunk trash guys. They all thought that I worked at WQLZ the hard rock station here in town. I'm like, nope. You must be mistaken.

I think that I am getting into a funk again. I'm not so deep that I don't realize it. I am usually self aware about how I feel. Last night I probably would not have gone out if I didn't have to work the door. Which is fine but I just didn't feel like leaving the house.

My dad and I went shopping yesterday. I get a lot of comments about my weight when I am with him. Especially since we were shopping for a suit. That is what put me into the mood. I'm not a big fan of "if you weren't so big". I know I am big, we don't have to keep talking about it. Can't it be an unspoken thing. Like if a suit is too small for me then all he would have to say is "nope, not this one" or something like that. He gets the point across that the suit isn't going to work out instead of making a point that it is because I am so big. Dad needs some sensitivity classes. Not that I'm a sensitive little bitch but still I have feelings. Plus him jumping my case about my weight has been most of my life and it gets old. I point is taken. The memo has been received. Now even as I type this my dad in the middle of doing something makes a point of asking me if I checked my oil. Now he just took my keys to go check it for me. FUCK! That aggrevates me. He has to do everything for me. He treats me like a 16 year old. Granted I don't mind helpful advice. Sure, he has been there and knows how things go. I understand that. BUT when he tells me the same things over and over and then does things over and over for me. It drives me nuts. Can I live my own life please? My oil is fine, I'm sure of it. BUT since I haven't checked it recently enough, he has to take it upon himself to freaking check it for me. Well he just came back in, says it is looking good. I said I know. and he was like oh? I thought you said you didn't check it. I say well when I take care of a car then I don't need to check it as often. Plus my dad likes to really jump my case right after I wake up. I am not always in the best mood when I wake up. the chemical balances in the brain haven't synchronized yet or something. But he can really piss me off any time of the day. Just question how I do things. Question me. I know how to live life. I am trying the best I can. I appologize if I can't live up to the perfect son who does every single task you ask of him. It doesn't help that dad has become very anal about things in recent years. He has to do things right away. Little things too. They will pester him or something. He always feels like no one else will do it unless he does it and he does it right so may as well do it immediately. Even if other people have to wait around for him to "just do this one thing real quick". AHHH! I need to move out. He tries though. I give him that much credit. Sometimes after he pisses me off he tries to smooth things over. Like just now. He tries to talk movies with me. My soft spot. He apparently wants to go see Collatteral as well as I do. We see a movie every once in a while but he is a tough movie goer. Very critical and only a very few appeal to him. He isn't very creative. He lost his inner child eons ago. He scoffs that I even watch any kind of cartoon. He has become a victim of society. He has his place under the wings of "the man". Ha, just kidding. I'm not really a "damn the man" type person. But I do believe in a "man" so to speak which I feel is society on a whole.

Well, I have rambled enough about my dad who pisses me off about daily. Who wakes me up when I am sleeping. I'm glad he doesn't know about this site and no one should tell him either.

Peace, Love, Laughter, - K

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Lose yourself

Lose yourself in the music, the moment. Anything. Just don't over analyze life, please. Tonight we celebrated Shoofly's birthday. He really didn't drink that much this year. He apparently ate too much at dinner and then drinks wouldn't set well on top of the food. Sounds like BS and a Wussy to me. No matter how much a person eats there is always room for beverages. Maybe Shoofly is the one exception ever known. Yeah, that must be it. Out of everyone everywhere he is the one who is the exception. Who would have thought? Not me. Anyway, I'm just giving Shoofly a hard time. Typical of me.

So as time goes on I think, 'Why do I not have a girlfriend?'. The reason is obvious. I'm a dumbass and I don't try hard enough. OR maybe even it is that I don't really try. I've been going about things thinking that a girl might just up and like me. Apparently not. It does not seem like that will happen. I may have to make an effort. Maybe even try to be someone that I am not. Because what I am doesn't seem to be of any appeal. Who wants a fun normal guy. Not any of the ladies that I dig. Life is a garden dig it. But you know sometimes bodies are buried in the garden and everything goes to shit after that. I'm getting older. Granted I'm not so old that I don't see anything ever happening but you would think the keg would have been tapped by now. Are untouched goods "fresh" or "spoiled" if the stay untouched? I am ready to get a job. I want to start being somewhat of a success. I don't like my great quality to be, hey, he is available 24/7.

What will I be remembered for. Am I "nice", honest, fun, boring, lame, liar, fake, genuine. What am I? A waste of space or am I destined for great things?

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Not another TEST! ARRG!

So tomorrow morning I get to wake up early. Earlier than I have in quite a while. After I wake up I get to go take a test! Yes, you heard right, a test. It will be timed, graded, and returned to me within 3 weeks. This is testing that is done for a position at the Post Office. I applied for it a while back and I got approval to go take the test. Which it is being held at the Crowne Plaze of all places. So that should be fun. It is at 9am. So I need to be up and ready to go at what will feel like the buttcrack of dawn. But not really. In real person time that is already a few hours into the day. I went over sample questions for the test and I feel like I'm prepping for the ACT or a Final or something. Parts are going to be oral and others are seeing how well you remember and such. It should be a hoot. I've been dealing with addresses for 4 years now and I think that working at the post office would be a hoot. This would not be full time but more of a substitute position for when regulars take days off. AND this is based on if I have a high score over all, because my score will be put on a list and the go down the list according to how well you did. So there is some pressure to this but yeah, I'm not too worried about it. I will do my best and that is all I can expect out of myself, right? Because if I can do better than my best wouldn't that be my best? Something to ponder.

Today was a great day. I feel like I did a lot personally. I went and worked out with Ed and that was great. Did the tredmill at high speeds for me. Lifted briefly some bench press, not a lot because i really don't feel that I need to be building much muscle at this point in time. Then went and got myself some subway for lunch. mmm mmm that was good. Later my mom and I went to see Garfield at the dollar theater. It was alright, cute, and worth a dollar. Or 2 dollars since I bought my mom's way in. For my mom, price is no object, hahahahaha. Well, I came home from that and my dad is making omlettes for dinner, very good. I talk to Jennya nd she wants to walk this evening so I am like SURE. We go walking down the bike path by my house. That was a good walk, worked up a great sweat. That took about an hour and a half or so. So I actually got in some great exercise today. I'm very pleased with today.

Then after that I actually called it a night. I was going to go out but then I realized that I need to get to bed at a decent time tonight. By going out I would just be wired when I get home and that wouldn't be good. So I opted to stay home and just watch the CUBS WIN! this evening. Hopefully they can win tomorrow and sweep the Colorado Rockies. I told myself that I would go to bed after the game and I am slowly getting there. I wanted to blog before I hit the hay. Although I anticipate that I will just lay there for a long ass time since I haven't been able to get to bed before 4am for the last 2 weeks at least. I will try though.

BTW Happy Birthday to Stephanie Vancil! She turns 23 today on August 4th! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Well goodnight folks. I'm going to bed.

Live, Love, Laughter - K

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Gotta walk more

So I have been thinking. I need to walk more. I am trying to do something active everyday whether it be that I mow or walk or workout. I feel like I need to be active for longer periods of time and more often. I don't know how much good I've been doing for myself but it doesn't feel like enough. Now I know by just starting walking I won't see a big result right away but I still feel that I am being too easy on myself. Do you ever get that feeling? Like you set yourself a goal and you stick to it but it just seems too easy, like there is something missing. Maybe the goal isn't good enough. That is how I feel. I have to mow tomorrow. My dad has been asking me alot the last few days. He tried to remind me today but all I told him was Job Hunting No Time with a certain tone to my voice and he knew what I meant and backed off but I got the drift, the yard needs to be mowed.

Jenny actually called me to go walking this evening. I was and still am very proud of her. At the end of last week I discussed with her about she and I starting walking together. Help keep each other motivated to get healthy and into shape. Walking is a key ingredient for getting into shape especially when you haven't really worked out in a long time. I tried to get her to walk last Thursday but she wasn't feeling well and then we were busy all weekend with things. So then out of the blue she calls me tonight. The thought of her calling to go walking was no where in my mind. I thought hey, she was thinking of me and wanted to call me and hear my sexy voice. Which if I twist it around enough that possibly could be the case but yeah... not really. She wanted to keep up the agreement and go walking. I have a lot of time on my hands right now so my schedule was clear besides dinner. After dinner with my parents, she and I went walking at the park. It was good. I felt like it was a good steady walk and I broke a great sweat. We chatted the whole time which helps exercise go smoother. That is why I most of the time like to have someone with me. Unless I am in one of those moods where I am just reflective and want to be alone to think or even to not think. It is nice to just walk... the only thing crossing the mind is one foot infront of the other. It is a good way to let go of things that stress you out. Just go for a walk and blank out the mind. I usually prefer company though.

But back to the walking more. If I can do it I am going to try and get up of a morning and walk in the park. A little birdie told me that early AM is a nice time for goodlookin girls to go to the park. Eye candy is a great thing. Who knows maybe some girl will be like "hey big boy, want to walk with me?" Hey it could happen. So I will see about that. My sleep schedule is very messed up right now though. I've not been able to get to sleep before 4am in a few weeks. I did get up at 9am today and stayed up without any naps so I think I may have a shot at falling asleep soon.

I went and saw the Bourne Supremacy for the second time tonight. I feel it was better the second time around but also I have rewatched the Bourne Identity too so I feel it fits together better when watched pretty close together.

Well, I am going to bed.

Live, Love, Laughter - K

Monday, August 02, 2004


Today went by fast. All of the job stuff took me up through mid to late afternoon. Then on my way home from the last place I went I saw that the gas prices were going up to $1.93ish and I drove around (not far) until I found the sweet spot. Oh yeah, I found it. The sign said $1.89 but the pumps said $1.74 SO that meant no long ass lines. I rock! I had about a half tank and I topped it off. I called my dad to let him know about it he said he was ok but he thought that my mom's car needed gas. So I drove straight home and switched into her car and right back to the gas station I went. She was at about a half tank also. I topped it off. Saved a few dollars by doing that. And the hassle of needing to get gas for a little while knowing that the tanks are full. So after that I went home and I was just exhausted.

Job hunting is so emotionally stressful that it really wears me out. Plus I am not a fan of wearing ties and collars buttoned to the top. But it is what people want to see when they see a prospective employee. Employers want to see their employees conform to society because that means that the employee will conform to them. I can't walk in to a big business in tshirt, kahki shorts and flipflops and get a job. No no no. EVEN if I am exactly what they want and will do an even better job than they ever would have expected. I wouldn't get that chance because of what I am wearing. I'm too free spirited is what my clothes convey. My clothes say that I will do what I want and not always what they want. That intimidates them and they don't want to take the chance on me, their possible best employee if they will have me, because I might shake things up. Might is the word. Nothing can prove to them that I actually would shake it up. But the clothes are interpretted as a hint. So when I come in dressed all the way up and I am uncomfortable as hell and sweating like a guy in a sauna they say, there is a man that will conform for us. HIRE HIM!

Jobs Jobs Jobs

So today is another "JOB" day. I'm about to start spelling it out as if it were a bad word or something. I'm getting sick of needing a job and not having a job. My cousin Susan who works at Blue Cross Blue Shield called me this morning to inform me that they are taking applications again for Customer Service Reps. I still cannot pass this up even though I have tried to get a job with that company 3 times previously. Hopefully this is lucky number 4. Although this time was different. Instead of doing everything at once it was only filling out the application and handing it in. In previous attempts I had to fill out the app, hand in the app, wait for them to review the app for approval to get tested, take a data entry skills test, wait for them to grade them, pass it, wait for a manager to interview with, interview with a manager or two. Then leave. This would take hours! So many people would be doing the exact same thing. Oh and also along with all that I went through those times I get a rejection letter each time. Fun stuff. Well, I am hoping that this time it appears they are taking their time and not rushing through things. Do the apps now. I assume they will review them and then call the qualified candidates based on the application which included a few problem solving questions that you have to answer in paragraph form and watch grammer too. Which is why when I am on AIM I try to type properly and use decent grammer. I don't want the internet to make me lazy. You know what I mean?

I also went down to the S.O.S. building today and picked up an application. My dad says he heard that they will soon be hiring and it is good to get in an application before hand and not when the job actually becomes available. But 1 application doesn't work for all jobs, I have to apply to each position individually. The lady gave me 2 apps just incase I mess up, cause I am supposed to fill out the app except for the job applying for and then make 4000 photocopies she said. She isn't kidding either... well maybe. But the app would be 6 single sided sheets, that is a decent app.

I haven't worked out today yet. I plan on doing some walking if not mowing. I really need to mow the back yards. I didn't get them last time and now they are insanely long. But I have 1 more resume to get out today and that is to Marine bank for a full time teller position that includes benefits. WOOO! That is where I bank too so that would be cool.

What will I talk about when I get a job? I won't be going out as much. I won't be on the job hunt anylonger. Maybe I will use this blog to vent about my job when I get it (whatever it will be). Who knows.....

Damned Internet

So yeah. I had a nice long wonderful post filling in the weekend. But then my "connection" that I always use so that I can be online all of the time decides that it wants me to pay to renew it. HAHAHA. I'm not paying for a "free" connection. When my connection decided that it wanted me to renew it wouldn't let me go to any other web page except the informative page. So I couldn't post my blog because of course this happens right when I click the post button. I can't go back after that point in time. It will all be blank. So I was just screwed. Also, I won't be online as much as I used to be now. Since my dad and I share an AOL connection he signs on and I sign on and we can't be on at the same time over the same modem. SO, when I am signed on I will more than likely ACTUALLY be AT my computer. That is unless I can talk my dad into getting Broadband internet. I'll see what I can do. I'll still post. I'll still be on late at night and on and off throughout the day. I wonder if people will even notice that I'm not on as much. Well "Mr. Connection" it has been fun using you. Since I was a Junior in H.S. That is a long history with "Mr. Connection". I am going to bed. I have to job hunt, work out, and mow tomorrow. Should be a fun day. I hope I wake up when I want to. That will be tough knowing how my sleeping habits have been lately.

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